Dear Nigerians in diaspora, it is no longer news that the educational system in Nigeria is in comatose. The poverty level is endemic leaving a large swathe of our children disenfranchised from the already moribund education system.


The most vulnerable of our children are no longer in school and those in school receive substandard education not fit for the 21st century digital age. The public schools which our forefathers bequeathed us that has served as a springboard to where we are today is no longer fit for purpose. Children going to these schools nowadays are already doomed to fail

Ladies and gentlemen, it is time we all rise to the greatest challenge facing our generation. It is time we all come together as one chart a way forward. We need to rescue our children from the jaws of alienation and poverty. Just as the generation before us have helped us to get to where we are today, we need to help our children to reach their full potential in life. May God in his infinite mercy help us all.


The most vulnerable of our children are no longer in school and those in school receive substandard education not fit for the 21st century digital age. The public schools which our forefathers bequeathed us that has served as a springboard to where we are today is no longer fit for purpose. Children going to these schools nowadays are already doomed to fail

Ladies and gentlemen, it is time we all rise to the greatest challenge facing our generation. It is time we all come together as one chart a way forward. We need to rescue our children from the jaws of alienation and poverty. Just as the generation before us have helped us to get to where we are today, we need to help our children to reach their full potential in life. May God in his infinite mercy help us all.

Make a freewill donation today and secure the academic destiny of a child

Strength of Nigerian Diaspora:

1 in 5 black in the diaspora is a Nigerian

The second largest country for remittances in Africa is Nigeria

The most educated country in the Diaspora are Nigerians

2018 Nigerian diaspora remittances translates to 83% of the Federal Government budget in 2018 and 11 times the FDI flows in the same period.

Nigeria Diaspora accounts for over a third of migrant remittance flows to Sub-Saharan Africa.

Nigeria Diaspora remittances is estimated will be USD34 billion by 2023

Our Aim

1. To raise an army of 10,000 committed Nigerian Diaspora committed to contributing at least £2 a month

2. To work in collaboration with other charitable agencies, federal, state and local government to wipe this shame of street kids off our conscience

3. To put in place first class infrastructure, conducive and suitable learning environment for our kids.